Will Your Education Survive the Century?
The tradition college or university is not matching to customer needs and most will derail your Faith. The SAT and ACT is being replaced by the CLT, nationally-normed and networked to scholarships. Many colleges and universities are shuttering and faculty moving on. Your children and grandchildren deserve better. Now that there are Classical and Seminar-based Honors Programs popping up everywhere, students can actually learn and prepare for the changing job market.
The call to disciple the nations is steep. It must start with personal evangelism and cultivation of your gifts and abilities, not to mention what God is calling you toward. However, the vision is much more broad than that. To bless the nations means to live out and seek out the Gospel and Kingdom in all areas of society and world. It calls for revitalization of behavior, beliefs, and consequences. It entails all subjects and ideas, applied in the family, church, and beyond. Classical and Christian education is the place to start as it roots education and discipleship in the theological and philosophical contexts that matter most.
College should prepare students for mature lives in a self-governing society. Any cursory look at Classical texts will show the student must learn to manage and rule his/her own soul well before meeting the areas of responsibility that God is calling them toward. This entails learning about the world’s deep hunger and matching those needs to their passions and calling. Kingdom building and following the call of Christ requires devotion, humility, and rulership.
Educational Changes in Higher Ed
The Classical College Model
The Classical College Method
It is really as simple as..
Read: We show you what to read and when.
Annotate: We teach you how to engage the text affectively.
Discuss: We teach you how to lead and discuss all texts.
What Is The Classical College?
The Classical College is a college you can start in your own town or city. It is a community of learning surrounded by the church, family, and the local community. It seeks to diminish the high number of young people who are walking away from the Faith by the end of their college years. It seeks to establish learning and aims at what is worthwhile. The model is simple, and it doesn’t take much to get it going.
The Classical College Distinctives
To change the world is to love the world. For God so “changed” the world that he gave his only son. The Classical College seeks to offer a local collegiate alternative, establishing a Christian and Classical option over the local 2- and 4-year institutions.
Worldview Studies
Classical Exposure
Social and Political Engagement
Big Ideas & Overall Philosophy
Education is telling, asking, and coaching, thus we educate in the following ways:
Study in the following arenas for 6 semesters:
Bible/Worldview & Theology Core
Humanities/Classical Core
Politics & Political Science Core
Christianity and Politics Track
Summer Studies in Greek & Latin
Study the following Classical Thinkers/Books/Topics:
The Bible
American Founders
C.S. Lewis
Christian Worldview
Scope & Sequence
Imagine studying for three years on the following topics:
Read through the entire Bible
Study the Classics from Homer through Solzenitsen
Encounter Politics through Thucydides and Lincoln
Travel to Greece and Rome
Learn Greek and Latin in the summers