What Does It Take To Build A Classical School?

Commitment. That’s It!

..Besides Good Books, Project Completion, and Classical Vision.

  • Marketing/Enrollment

    Find your message and your students. Consistent messaging that matches your curriculum, teachers, and culture is crucial. Even if you’re an existing school, fresh marketin and messaging builds great culture and community.

  • Vision/Families

    Find your passion and your parents. A school rises and falls on parent communication. If you don’t have educational events for parents like discussions, lectures, and coffee times, you’re missing out. These are great opportunities to cast vision.

  • Staffing/Vendors

    Find your teachers and your supporters. We have build whole schools from scratch, so this takes lot of recruiting and project management to find the right vendors. You need staff and vendors who are sold on your vision and mission.

  • Operations/Budget

    Find your site and your line items. We can provide customized budget models and counseling for faithful operations. Depending on the size of your school, your operations and budget can consume the educational mission and distract from it.

Strategic Vision

Building & Sustaining Components

Initial Pieces: 

  1. Enrollment Plan

  2. Hiring Plan

  3. Facility Eval

This includes:

  • Site visit

  • Meet with the board

  • Discussion of vision and mission

  • Local evaluation

  • Values discussion

  • Curriculum discussion

Long-Term Ingredients:

  • Budget build

  • Website build

  • Parent events

  • Curriculum orders

  • Calendars

  • Handbooks

  • Charter eval

  • Master Schedule

  • Teacher Training

  • Much, much more..

What Kind Of Leadership Does It Take?

A Classical view of leadership is gained through looking at great leaders and their works in Greece, Rome, England, America, and beyond. For example, studying the lives of Theseus, Romulus, Alexander, Caesar, Lycurgus, Solon, Augustine, Church Fathers, Machiavelli, Calvin, Luther, Cromwell, Churchill, Thatcher, Washington, Madison, Lincoln, Reagan, etc, not to mention the great philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Aquinas, Locke, etc) who constantly comment on what it means to rule well and have a just society (ancient terminology for modern leadership). This, of course, leads into a political view of ruling, which is perhaps a decent way to think of classical leadership.

What Does It Take To Keep a Republic?

Lincoln/Strauss Comparison

Classical School or Not Comparison

Studies on Outcomes

CEC Schools Opened or Supported to Date: 7


Programs Implemented to Date: 3


Seminars/Conferences Given to Date: 36

Liberal Education
Truth | Goodness | Beauty

Philosophic Education
Theological | Philosophical | Historical

Lincoln, Lyceum Address

"As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide."