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School Build Includes: enrollment plan, hiring plan, facility eval, budget build, accreditation work, website build, parent events, curriculum oversight, calendar builds, handbook eval, teacher training, and much, much more!
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Consult & Site Visits available.
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About the Founder
Jason Poarch is an educator, author, and leader. He is prior Founding Headmaster at several schools in Texas and Oklahoma. Before entering the K12 world, Mr. Poarch was professor at multiple colleges and universities across the US. He is author of several books, most notably War, Politics, and Progressivism: Essays in Political Philosophy and Other Special Topics. He has appeared on several radio shows, speaks at conferences any chance he gets, and is a champion for Classical and Christian Education.
Mr. Poarch has a B.A. in Christian Thought and Philosophy from Bryan College, an M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John's Graduate Institute, another M.A. in Politics from the University of Dallas, and is a Ph.D. candidate in Politics at the University of Dallas. Proud to be a veteran and a Rumsfeld Fellow, he is happily married and has four children.
More Videos by Mr. Poarch
Classical Ed 101 at Responsive Ed
Tulsa Classical Grand Opening Ceremony
“[B]ut ektrepho them up in the paideia and nouthesia of the Lord.” Eph. 6:4