Everything Beautiful In Its Time
Let Us Help You Flourish & Build Your Community.
Whether you need training, curriculum advise, or a full school build, you’ve come to the right place. Everything we do aims at the Good, True, and Beautiful, and it all seeks to support the Well-Ordered Life and Soul.
We Solve Educational Problems
Building and maintaining an educational institution is no small feat. One glance at this pie chart will tell you that 4% can go to 90% in any category at any time. This is where we come in. Classical Education Consulting can handle these needs and field these curveballs. Let us partner with you for success. Let us handle these problems for you, alongside with you. The world needs your vision and your passion to be a reality.
Make A Donation. Change Lives Forever.
We build private, public, or charter schools and colleges. In today’s world of educational uncertainty, our children deserve the best options available. Our children deserve a loving community where the Good, True, Beautiful, and Just are the priorities and outcomes. Whether you want a Trivium approach, the Historical approach, or some other Classical approach, we can support you in building your school.
We help you build a Classical College in your hometown or city. Since colleges have been stealing our young adults away from our families and values for decades now, you need a different option. Colleges can be built in your own hometown with your own flavors. There are too many resources available now to not take advantage of this moment in our culture and history. Colleges should support and nourish the traditions that are established in high school, not distract. Take the initiative today to build your own college.
We provide trainings & resources for your people. Whether your people are at your church, your school, your place of business, they need to be brought on with your vision and mission. At educational institutions, everyone should know what classical education is all about. Everyone matters and can learn the greatest tradition known to man.
We advise on curriculum that is theological, historical, and philosophical. Libraries (even children’s libraries) are full books that don’t match your values. Curriculums are produced every day that don’t sustain and nurture children and young adults in the way they should. Many schools outsource entire curriculum sets under the title “Classical.” Be sure that your school is actually classical and supports the goals of true education.
We travel to great places/cities in the world in order to learn about Classical Education. One of the best ways to see into the classical world is to visit the particular places that embody the tradition. Whether it’s Italy or Greece, London or Philadelphia, each of these places support and nourish the learning of the classical tradition.
We read and discuss the great books and classics together. There is no replacement to classical education than reading the Classics themselves. Classical education is prolonged exposure to the Good, True, and Beautiful, or Great Books and Great Art! Begin your Classical journey today by signing up to read some of the many classical books that comprise our history and help us live the Good Life.
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